Mead Stampede Competition Result

We entered a couple meads into this brand new homebrew competition, hosted by two of our fellow Mead YouTube acquaintances (Doin the Most and Man Made Mead)! And we won the “Did The Most Award” for our historical “Guter Met” mead. It’s a great recipe from 1350s Bavaria that we’ve been making for several years now. We’re very grateful for the award and recognition, and proud of all the hard work The Mead Stampede Team did in putting on this inaugural competition. Here’s to many more years of a hearty and delicious competition!

We’re also collaborating on YouTube with Doin the Most and Man Made Mead this upcoming fall. 10 of us Mead YouTubers came together and chose 3 ingredients to put in a mead. We are all using those 3 ingredients and we’re going to see how differently our results are. Our styles and tastes vary, so it will be exciting to see what we all come up with! See you then.

One Comment

  • Christian

    Hey I entered this competition too, glad to see you guys killing it! Can’t wait for you guys to get it started up in South Jersey so I can get some local mead 🙂

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